The winner of the Whole Family Cookbooks is Kirsten. We hope your day of pampering was fun and that the kitchen being off limits to you went well!
Last year it was Sharon who wrote our Mother’s Day post. It was so beautifully written it made Mom cry (and I got misty-eyed). I can’t live up to that. I’m not even going to try, because Sharon is probably the best writer in our family. But it’s my turn this year to give thanks for this wonderful mother we have.
The mom who loves afternoon tea. Makes the best Gin and Tonic on the face of the planet. Taught us how to roast a chicken when we were eight and ten. Who painted our nails during long car trips. Took us Easter dress shopping. Planned elaborate birthday parties. Gave up her high-flying career to work from home and be with us. Made us afternoon snacks. Put dinner on the table every night. Catered my entire wedding. Ran NINE marathons and helped Sharon run her first. Who convinced us not to have Troll doll and 101 Dalmatian-themed bedrooms (can’t thank you enough for that, Mom). Taught us to always buy good makeup and always tip too generously.
For the big, the small and for all the things we have forgotten – we are so grateful, Mom. We love you! Happy Mother’s Day!
In the spirit of Mother’s Day, we’re giving away a copy of Michelle Stern’s The Whole Family Cookbook. One of the greatest gifts Mom ever gave to Sharon and me was instilling a respect for food in us from a young age. She did that by involving us in meal preparation. What’s lucky is that we ended up loving cooking and being in the kitchen as much as she did (hence this blog). But in order to teach kids to love food, you have to cook with them. And that’s exactly what Michelle’s book does – it provides delicious, kid-friendly recipes that help parents to get their kids cookin’ in the kitchen.
I’ve made quite a few recipes from Michelle’s book, but I’m posting the Kale Chips because Mom loves anything that’s salty, crunchy and comes in bag. But these are healthier and we can all eat them, guilt free! I’ll be making these for Mom when she comes over this weekend. And because there are no little ones in our family (yet), we’ll be enjoying them with a beer.
Making Sunday brunch for my Mom! (Now I just have to figure out what . . .)
That was a wonderful post! On Sunday I am cooking dinner for my mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
My husband, son (7), daughter (3), and I will (weather permitting) be planting our container garden…tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, herbs, and something new (that we will decide on when we shop for plants.) The kid’s love it and I love seeing the kid’s enjoy themselves!! 🙂
Oh…and have a wonderful Mother’s Day, Pam!! If my kid’s and I are as close as you and your girls are (when they grow up)…I will be one lucky mom!!
spending the afternoon with my beautiful sister-in-law and her little boy
1st – We will be celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary
2nd – We will be at a soccer jamboree Saturday morning
3rd – We will be celebrating my husband’s birthday
4th – We will celebrate Mother’s Day
We’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day and my sis-in-law’s birthday with a big family dinner- homemeade pizzas! 🙂
After a huge Easter blowout at my place, I think Mother’s Day will be small – my dad, hubby and kids. We’ll have breakfast and just hang out together. A relaxing day is just about the best gift I can think of for Mother’s Day (since I can’t be with my own mom on Sunday – she lives too far away). Hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day! 🙂
I will be babysitting for my 3 grandchildren,5 mos., 2 yrs, and 4 yrs, while son & DIL are out of town for a wedding. I spent today lunching and shopping with my mother! We went to Amish country and bought farm fresh eggs and lots of other goodies! Fun!
My 72 year old mother is performing as a nun at a local theater in the musical, Nunsense. My mother loves to perform, especially sing. We grew up with her singing around the house all the time. This Mother’s Day weekend she’ll sing to us again as we watch her on stage. Later, my kids will help me celebrate Mother’s Day. Those plans are still in the making!
On Mother’s Day, I will be flipping through my photo album book totally devoted to my late mom, who left me so much wisdom. I miss her everyday. The best thing she taught me at a very early age was how to cook from scratch, which is how I cook everyday. I will also go through her favorite cookbooks she left for me, the pages so tattered and torn, but still readable, even though I know her favorite recipes by heart. I miss you Mom!
Going to church, lunch with the kids,kids-in-law, and grandkids. Good times.
My Mom passed away in October 2010, so this will be the first Mother’s Day without her. I live in Alabama where all the tornado destruction came through, so after church, my 2 daughters and I are going to work in the demolished areas helping people gather what little they have left. Going to be the hands and feet of Jesus! Happy Mothers Day ya’ll!
My plans are to have a great day… call my mother who lives 1800 miles away tell her I love her and thank her for all she has done and continues to do for her little 49 year old baby boy… she inspires me daily.
It is traditional in our family to plant the garden for the year as by this time, the danger of frost should be past. We will probably have a dinner with our daughters and son in law and we will all pitch in cooking. I may try that famous G & T mentioned in the post. A Happy Mother’s day is any day spent with family cooking good food and enjoying the company.
spending wonderful time with my beautiful, special daughters, and grandkids, and hubby of course –
Working, and wishing I could be with my mom instead.
Mom died in December, so this Mother’s Day requires a new outlook. I’m driving 3 hours to see my niece’s “History Day” project on Saturday.
Tending the farm while my husband and daughter have once in a lifetime tour of Zimbabwe.
My plan: Going to church, spending time outside in the garden with my kids, then having Chinese food. Not sure if that will happen since there’s been a lot of whispering going on…I’m sure it will be a great day no matter what I do.
Sent Mom small gifts in the mail, hope to talk on skype with her and my grandmothers too. On my end I am enjoying what has come home with my kindergartener for Mother’s Day– a sweet book all about me and another surprise that he has hidden in the bath tub (then requested no baths until Sunday!) : )
Hoping to do some gardening and yard work, pending weather!
Breakfast Sunday morning at my son’s house, and out in the garden for the rest of the day.
Driving an hour each way Fri and Sat evening to perform at a ‘nearby’ rural amateur theatre company as a WW1 nurse, finish off all of our bookwork on Sat (devoted farmers wife!) – right now (sunday morning) – snuggle in bed with hubby (well one the phone at least! – away at a mine working night shift) enjoy a minute of catching up with friends from far away places on the internet (got to love the internet!) – force myself up to walk the working dogs – race up to the new farm to feed the chooks, guinea fowl, and ducks with time enough to putty the newly renovated walls ready for painting. Drive another hour and a half by midish Sunday for a lovely lunch with M.I.L to whom I have lent my most precious asset for two nights – the little people (2,4 and 6yo) – and YES they all love to cook (even have their own home made aprons!)
We took my mother in law out for dinner last night. Today my kids are taking me to brunch! I plan to be a bit lazy this weekend and try to enjoy the day:)