Threemanycooks has more readers than we could possibly have imagined in just two short months. (Thanks Ree Drummond–aka Pioneer Woman–for the warm web welcome.)
Given all our readers, however, there’s not nearly enough yakking! We suspect it’s because after you’ve read our long, carefully crafted responses (which we’ve heard you like) you think you need to respond in kind. Not so. And to prove how much we like short responses, we’re going to give you 140 characters (more or less) to complete the following sentiment, “I adore (or abhor) Thanksgiving because….”
Character count begins after “because…” and don’t worry about being Twitter precise because no one is really counting. For those who don’t use Twitter, 140 characters is basically just one long sentence.
Posting deadline is this Sunday, November 15th at 11:59 PM Eastern Time with winners announced by 6:00 PM Eastern Time on Monday, November 16th. Winners will then e-mail with their shipping address.
The two best comments will receive a handsome Lindsay Olives holiday wreath (see photo above) made from olive, bay, and eucalyptus branches, shipped to you in time for Thanksgiving (as long as winners give us their street address and phone number by November 19th).
If you’re not one of the lucky winners, however, and would still like a wreath, they’re very reasonable—$30 for a 14-inch one, $35 for an 18-incher (plus shipping) with delivery until December 31, 2009. You can order at or call (800) 765-2029.
And here’s the best part: proceeds from wreath sales go to The Meals On Wheels Association of America (MOWAA), so not only are you getting (or giving) something beautiful, you’re also helping a worthy cause.
Let the responses (in the comments section below) begin!
I know I can’t win but…I adore Thanksgiving because I get to eat stuffing ’til I can’t breathe and THEN I get to eat pie!!
I adore Thanksgiving because it’s JUST about the food and the friends and famly! No presents, minimal decorating… just food and people.
I assume I can’t win either, but I love Thanksgiving because it’s always around our anniversary and.. well.. green bean casserole!
I adore Thanksgiving because you get to eat those favorite dishes that are usually only a once a year treat. Makes then that much sweeter.
I adore Thanksgiving because I can cook and cook and cook to my heart’s content. And then all these people come and eat and ooohh and aaahhh over my efforts. Doesn’t get much better than that!
I adore thanksgiving because…I get to grill an apple-brined turkey for my family!
PS- Thank you, Pam. I’m thrilled to see this website. Your “How to Cook Without a Book” is what moved me from being a recipe follower to a real home cook.
I adore Thanksgiving because it is a time to count blessings, not calories, gone are differences of oppinion – there’s enough kinds of pie to please everyone.
I adore Thanksgiving because I get to make my favorite turkey draped in a wine/butter soaked cheesecloth.
I adore Thanksgiving because… It’s a feel it in the bones holiday. One sniff of the Turkey roasting and your just infused with the holidays, past and present. I eat my Grandpa’s mac and cheese casserole and he’s there with me even though he’s been gone a while.
I adore Thanksgiving because when I see my family and the groaning table, I realize I have so very much for which I am thankful. Amen. Pass the mashed potatoes.
I ADORE Thanksgiving because it’s the one holiday of the year that the everyone celebrates regardless of race, religion, or creed.
… because It’s all about family, friends, great food, and appreciating what we have.
I LOVE Thanksgiving because you can fill up your plate with heaps of your favorite foods – without a single healthy veggie – and not feel guilty!
I love Thanksgiving because it’s the start of being with family and then it seems a little like one big joyful holiday until Christmas.
I adore Thanksgiving because it actually makes us STOP and think about how blessed we are.
I love Thanksgiving because there is family around, turkey, antipasto for lunch…..and delicious leftovers for days. A mix of traditions..
I adore Thanksgiving because it is all the things Christmas should be — focused on family, being thankful for blessings and ‘heirloom’ recipes — without the over-commercialized hype! Not that I don’t also adore Christmas… it’s just much easier to appreciate Thanksgiving’s comparative simplicity. 🙂
it is all food and family and a gentle reminder that we
should be giving thanks on a regular basis.
I adore thanksgiving because (if you’re lucky) you get to relax with family and take a break from the hustle and bustle of life… and eat and eat and eat! Mmmm….
I adore Thanksgiving because we come together as family and friends to stuff ourselves silly and affirm how blessed we are to have each other… because the weather is almost always perfect… and because the big rivalry football game between Texas A&M and that other Texas university is the next day. Gig ’em Aggies!
I adore Thanksgiving because my favorite things to do are cook, decorate, eat, and spending time with my loved ones watching football!
I adore Thanksgiving because it is a day (hopefully) of friends, family, and fabulous food, where calories don’t count and we are given the opportunity to reflect on and appreciate the joys, sorrows, gains, and losses of the year…and pumkin pie.
I adore Thanksgiving because it’s a day I can spend time with family and eat good comfort food.
I adore Thanksgiving because it’s the only time of year everyone – including the old geezers – get out and play football in the snow.
I adore Thanksgiving because I love stuffing!
I adore Thanksgiving because it’s a chance to be with family, (normally from out-of-town), work creatively in the kitchen, sit and eat great food, and have the perfect excuse to play games, sit and chat, nap, and watch some football, but most of all because we are reminded of how truly blessed we are.
I adore Thanksgiving because I get to see all of my nephews and nieces…and so does my son, so he plays with them and quits bugging me. 🙂
I love Thanksgiving because it’s a meal with my Mom (86) but, really miss my daughter’s familly (2000miles away).
I adore Thanksgiving because there is family, delicious food, a 4 day weekend, football, and lots of sales!!
I adore Thanksgiving because it is WARM, both literally and figuratively — warm food, warm bellies, warm hearts…
I adore Thanksgiving because…. my mother in law cooks and hosts the day at her house! I can enjoy family and great food and all I have to do(every year) is bring green beans and collards! She loves to be in the kitchen and only lets us help when it’s time to clean up!
p.s. Came here by way of PW! Lovin’ it!
I adore Thanksgiving because it is a day to kick back, enjoy yummy food and all that we have to be thankful for!
I adore Thanksgiving because of the wonderful spread of home-made food – AND not feeling guilty one bit about eating three desserts! 🙂
I adore Thanksgiving because its a gentle transition into a crazy holiday season (and I don’t have to host…unlike Christmas). And because I love watching my dog lay on his back, happy and stuffed from all the hand outs.
I adore Thanksgiving because it’s primarliy a family time and a food time…what could be better. No gifts, no pressure, just food and family. Giving Thanks for both! We are all blessed.
I adore Thanksgiving because I make Pam Anderson’s brined turkey, and it is to die for! Love the raves!
I adore Thanksgiving because I get to graze on delicious food all day and be with my family.
I adore Thanksgiving because we always go to Colorado to be with family and play games and share lots of laughter and don’t forget the food.
I adore Thanksgiving because the kids sports slow down and it comes back to family time. We slow down for a few days and celebrate our kids and our time together
I adore Thanksgiving because I love that our families actually slow down and take the time to cook a fabulous meal from scratch, and then take an entire afternoon to enjoy it together!
I adore Thanksgiving because my neighbor invites me over, I don’t have to cook, and I can drink wine and walk home.
I adore Thanksgiving because it gives me an opportunity to realize just how much I have be thankful for… and it is a lot!
I adore (everything about)Thanksgiving – the history, traditions, time with family and friends, making and eating delicious food… and the spirit of sharing that is especially abundant.
I adore Thanksgiving because with the first bite of her creamed onions, my feisty, funny, much-missed grandmother is with us again..and even the great-grandsons she never knew celebrate her.
I ADORE Thanksgiving because that is the ONLY time that my 6 siblings all come back home bringing all their children (15 lil’ ones counting mine) to my Mom’s house. It is such a BLAST!
I adore Thanksgiving because it’s a real special occasion where family and friends get together to create and continue traditions. I’m not an American, so the holiday is new to me, and I have to say, I LOVE IT…..especially the stuffing! It does make me miss my family though.
I adore Thanksgiving because I love leftover turkey sandwiches with red pepper ancho chile preserves & romaine!
I adore Thanksgiving because of the slower pace with emphasis on family, tradition, sharing and appreciation… and food… and leftovers!
I adore Thanksgiving because everyone in the family does their own unique take on traditional dishes and somehow this random sort of potluck all works out great!
I adore Thanksgiving because I came to USA 20 years ago and THIS is the holiday that makes me so appreciate my family and friends both here and back home.