The holiday shopping season officially began last Friday, and we’re celebrating with another giveaway. This time we’re offering a little something from our kitchen, my five cook books—The Perfect Recipe
, How to Cook Without a Book
, CookSmart
, Perfect Recipes for Having People Over
, and The Perfect Recipe for Losing Weight and Eating Great
—which I will also personalize and sign. So whether the books are all for you, some for you and some for others, or one each to a different person, I’ll sign and mail them to you to enjoy or to give away.
As you think about who might like the books, here’s a brief description. The Perfect Recipe and CookSmart are little culinary detective stories where I take on classic American comfort dishes like brownies, cheesecake, chicken potpie, chili, ribs, lasagna, and chocolate cake. As I systematically test my way to perfection, I share what worked and what didn’t. A great read for people who enjoy cookbooks, but the recipes are for anyone who loves to cook.
Know anyone who has trouble making weeknight dinner? How to Cook without a Book will free them from recipes, teaching easy-to-master techniques and formulas so they learn to cook with what’s around and what’s in season.
Perfect Recipes For Having People Over is for those who want to start having fun at their own parties. Not only are there appealing recipes for all occasions, but answers to the questions you want to know–what to serve with the dish, how far ahead it can be made, and even what to do with leftovers.
Many cooks need to shed a few pounds. As someone who’s lost and kept off 45 pounds for nearly 5 years, I share what works in The Perfect Recipe for Losing Weight and Eating Great.
To win signed copies of each of these books, simply complete the following sentence. “This holiday season I will (or will not)…”
Posting deadline is this Sunday, December 6th at 11:59 PM Eastern Time with winners announced no later than 6:00 PM Eastern Time on Monday, December 7th.
This holiday season, I will bake and bake all the yummy treats that we only eat at this time of the year.
This holiday season I will not stress over details of gifting or cooking.
This holiday season I will try to treat myself gentler by not trying to do too much.
This holiday season I will remember what’s important and enjoy the season rather than get caught up in the consumerism.
This holiday season I will work to find the balance between commercialism and sentiment, festivities and peaceful rest, crazy big fun and simple joy … without any of these Christmas wouldn’t be complete!
This holiday season I will (probably) cook too much and (definitely) eat too much!
Survive the holidays without gaining weight. I have lost 47 pounds since March of this year!!
This holiday season I will take time to spend time with my daughters.
I will cherish my family that is around me and remember those who are no longer here.
This year I will try to slow down so I can enjoy my family and friends more.
This holiday season I’m going to give thanks for the real reason, spent more time with the family and praying for my husband to get well.
Make lots of memories for my precious grandkids.
This holiday season I am going to concentrate on what “peace” and “good will towards men/women” really means and try to live it every day.
This holiday season I will have a special day with my two younger sisters. I don’t get to see them much anymore and we miss each other’s company.
This holiday season I will be very sad, as my children will not
be coming home for Christmas, but I am blessed to have a great extended family.
This holiday season I will be thinking of my family while I’m far away.
This holiday season I hope to have a job and am volunteering to check on and visit with the elderly in our community.
This holiday season I will avoid the mall. Why deal with the hellacious parking lots this time of year, when I can do all my shopping online?
This holiday season I will celebrate the fact that my husband is not deployed (at least not for Christmas) and that we are all together.
This holiday season I will focus on the importance of each moment, not the rush of things that must be completed by the end of the month.
This holiday season I will remember the true meaning of the season. I will also get down on the floor and play with my kids rather than doing so much rushing around 🙂
This holiday season I will spend at least one day watching old Christmas movies and drinking peppermint hot chocolate.
This holiday season I will not gain any weight!
This holiday season I will walk often, eat yummies, and try to keep the stress down!!
This holiday season I will make Christmas cookies and hot chocolate with my kids.
This holiday season, I will actually be able to take vacation and relax.
This holiday season I will be making apple pies in a jar to give as gifts and spending time with my daughter and granddaughter.
savor the moments with cherished family and friends!
“This holiday season I will not stress if everything isn’t exactly perfect when we entertain. No one notices but me anyway!
try new cupcake recipes and decorations. My newfound love!
This holiday season I will not let myself become distracted by what the media says is necessary for the “perfect” Christmas, but will focus on the true blessings of Christmas.
This holiday season I will live, love, and laugh as never before.
This holiday season I will give myself a break from sending Christmas cards.
This holiday season I will try and slow down and enjoy life. Peace and blessings….
This holiday season I will spend with my mom for the first time in 10 years!
This holiday season I will enjoy having a 7 month old baby!
This holiday season I will try not to eat all the great cookies and treats that I make!
This holiday season I will make your orange cream cheese strata! Yum!
This holiday season I will try to eat well, but in moderation!
This holilday season I will not take the small moments that I have with family and friends for granted and will try to smile and relax despite the holiday rat race.
This holiday season I will relax and enjoy myself, even though my boss just cancelled my vacation!
This holiday season I will not let the time slip away without enjoying “everything Christmas” to the max!!
This Christmas season I will do the little things my children want to do. We will hike around in the snow covered gully behind our home, play board games while eating popcorn and drinking hot cocoa, and then drive around to look at Christmas lights.
This holiday season I will enjoy more time with friends and family.
This holiday season I will enjoy the entire season as I have every year for as many years asI can remember. Christmas is the greatest time of all, loving, giving, warm, emotional. There isn’t any thing I don’t like about Christmas, even the shopping, baking, and frenzy. Iit is all WONDERFUL!!
Have an very merry Christmas, I know I will
This holiday season I will not overeat. Maybe.
This holiday season I will remember to cherish each moment with my loved ones and not complain about the clean up!
This Christmas season, I plan to read “Theosis as the Purpose of Man’s Life,” a small Orthodox Christian book to help me focus, even for a few minutes a day, on what Advent is all about.
Shop less and enjoy it more.
This holiday season I will scale back on the gifts and not go into debt.