10) Enjoying Maggy’s new Keurig coffee machine. Clever. Fun for a week. Now give me back my pot.
9) Drinking champagne, eating pot stickers, finally decorating the tree on Christmas night and feeling just right.
8) In our haste to get to our Pennsylvania house Christmas afternoon, leaving most of our packed refrigerator food in Connecticut…and not getting terribly upset.
7) Making Boxing Day dinner from what I had (see above). No one seemed to notice the missing ingredients… not even me.
6) Having my Mom, who lost her lusty appetite nearly a year ago to chemo, savor my food. Who would have thought an 85-year old Southern woman would have enhaled my Poor Man’s Sushi (recipe below).
5) Shopping at Trader Joe’s with a $50 gift card.
4) Making the lamb stew Maggy was craving her first night home from Malawi.
3) Buying my 16-year old nephew a chef’s jacket. (Once he put it on, he never took it off.)
2) Watching my mom show Maggy and Sharon for the very first time how to make her beloved snowman cookies
1) All three threemanycooks in Pam Anderson’s kitchen for the first time in a year!
Loved reading your holiday round-up, mom. If I’d made a list, mine would have been the same. I’m just glad I get to keep on using my Keurig. No more “Donut Shop” coffee for you!
Also, friends…make the Poor Man’s Sushi. Maybe tonight, maybe this weekend, but make them. They’re scrumptious. Enjoy with a glass of white wine and your feet up. You deserve it!
Loved reading your Top 10, Pam. I would love to see a pic of your mom making snowman cookies with the girls — is the recipe a family secret? Can’t wait to try out the Poor Man’s Sushi!
I do have a picture of HER making them. I just wasn’t in the picture because I was taking it, of course 🙂
Speaking of potstickers…I made the ramen noodle (minus the packet and the noodles because I used potstickers) soup ala threemanycooks. And I subbed shrimp for chicken, doubled the garlic, halved the ginger, and tossed in some shitake mushrooms – delish! But really, it was your soup! THX for dinner and lunch the next day!
love your top 10! (i especially love #’s 10 and 1!)